When you are prepared to give up everything for God, He will show up in your life in ways you cannot imagine!

International evangelists Dr Desmond and Roslynn Sinclair live their lives to the full, not scared of dying for what they believe and for the miracle-working God they serve.

At the age of eleven a gun was pointed to Des’s head because he dared to talk about Jesus to a drug-crazed gangster, but the trigger misfired three times. He has been hijacked, imprisoned, tortured, beaten and left for dead, yet God supernaturally intervened to preserve his life.

Today he and his wife Ros travel the world, challenging the Body of Christ to overcome their fears and stand unwaveringly in their faith in God. They are a couple who have laid everything they have on the line for God, and He has taken their lives and made them a life-line to the nations.


  1. Busy reading your book. Love it!!

  2. I read the book “Life on the Line” by Al Gibson and could not put it down. I have been praying for my son (29 years) for healing for 6 years now and frequently asked God if there are still Christians with a gift of healing. My son is has a condition that causes pain 24 hours and is on a lot of medication just to get out of bed. He cannot work and is in his room full time and seldom goes out because of the extra pain it causes. I am so excited to hear of such healing miracles! Our family knows what it is like to have someone who is suffering so much. God bless you, Dr Des and Ros Sinclair!! May Jesus continue to keep and protect you and use you fruitfully in your ministry.

  3. I have started reading your book which my grandson has and find it extremely interesting

  4. how can i buy this book????????

    1. Readers in South Africa can buy Life On The Line as an electronic version for Kindle –

        at Kalahari.com
  5. Haloo
    I am from South Africa and I want to know where i can buy the book Life on the Line

  6. How big is our God! Praise God!

  7. Good day Al
    I borrowed the book from someone and wow!!!
    I need 4 copies in South Africa asap.
    Kalahari.com was taken over by takealot and it’s out of stock.
    Please advise.
    Regards PK van Wyk

    1. We are working at getting the book restocked in South Africa. The only alternative at the moment is to have the books sent out from England. However the postage is expensive.

  8. This book has been an inspiration to me.
    Thank you Dr Des. You really have put your life on the line for the gospel.

  9. Your testimony has challenged me. Your encouragements on your page too. May the Lord be with you, always.

  10. I would like to be linked to the evangelical mintry of

    this servant of God

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