Intriguing! A plot that will keep the pages turning!

Simon Dillon’s latest novel is an intriguing story, full of exciting twists and turns. Set in the challenging world of publishing it offers fascinating glimpses into the obstacles writers face as Alice Darnell struggles to make her name as an author. But, there is much more to the story than overcoming rejection…as Alice finds herself in a maze of ghostly encounters.
A curious writing competition in an old stately home seems to be Alice’s big break, yet it soon becomes a thrilling fight to the death as Alice confronts her inner demons to find her true self. With underlying supernatural themes, coupled with conspiracy and murder, the plot seems far-fetched at times, but Dillion cleverly ties up all the lose ends creating a complex though credible story that quietens the skeptic. He has once again created a fast-paced literary experience that unfolds very much like a film. I can imagine seeing it at the cinema in years to come!
A must read novel for all who love a taste of conspiracy theory
“I used to think there was no point in telling a story without having something to say,” Alice concludes… “but now I believe there is no point in having something to say, unless you can tell it in a story.” Dillon has much to say, and you will find his concerns for the future of the world embedded throughout the narrative, never in a preachy kind of way, but sufficient to create awareness of issues that could well threaten today’s society. Well written, poetic in places, funny at times and with a plot that will keep you turning the pages, The Birds Began to Sing, makes for great reading. A must read novel!
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