How long have you been working for GOD TV?
Since 1 March 2002 when I was officially appointed as communications officer. What a privilege to have been able to devote over a decade of my life to this life-changing ministry which is impacting the globe. When I joined GOD TV the network was only reaching Europe, the startling announcement had just been made that GOD TV was to move its broadcast HQ to Jerusalem. I was overawed at this bold move. Since then I have seen GOD TV expand worldwide, switching on in Africa, Asia, Australasia and America. It has been an exhilarating ride!
Describe a normal day’s work:
There is no such thing as a normal day at GOD TV – for me it is all extraordinary! As communications officer I am involved in so many things. There’s never a shortage of copy to be written, whether for the website or across the different publications we have produced over the years, from the GOD TV Guide to the Programming Highlights. I’m also responsible for the ministry’s media liaison and the writing of press releases about our latest broadcasts, distribution breakthroughs or special events. I also write the scrolls which are aired during our LIVE broadcasts which means much of my time is spent trawling through our inboxes looking for testimonies to share. GOD TV is constantly playing on the TV screen on my desk so I know what I am writing about and can tweet or facebook about the programming as time allows.
What do you love most about your job?
I love being part of such a vast vision and knowing that I’m playing a role in something which has eternal value, that is touching people’s lives forever. I love being part of a global team, interacting with colleagues in the USA, UK, the Nordic Region, India, Sri Lanka Australia, Kenya, South Africa, etc. I love reading viewers’ e-mails of how God has transformed their lives. Each testimony inspires me to keep going that extra mile. And I love traveling for GOD TV. I’ve been to Washington, D.C. and the Broadcast HQ in Jerusalem which was an unforgettable experience. I have also visited the Africa office in Cape Town and of course our communications team in Johannesburg.
How would you describe yourself in three words?
I thought Twitter was a challenge, explaining what you have to say in 140 characters. Three words is almost impossible! But here goes. In terms of my involvement with GOD TV the three words have to be ‘??ONE BILLION SOULS’??! From a personal perspective I’ve been told that I am SERVANT-HEARTED, PASSIONATE and FAITH-FILLED.
What books are you reading at the moment?
I seem to spend more time writing books than reading them! But, I do love to read, when I get an opportunity. I guess it would have to be The Bible as I read that the most often, but I often no longer turn the pages, I rather use the YOU Version Bible app for iPhone! So perhaps that does n’t count. I’ve listened to Tony Blair’s autobiography ‘The Journey’ on my iPod, but that’s an audible book. Ok, yes I do have some printed books on my shelf, including Wendy Alec’s ‘Against All Odds’; ‘Journal of the Unknown Prophet’; and the entire ‘Chronicles of Brothers’ series. (I loved reading a Pale Horse on iPad!) And of course, ‘Life on the Line’, the book I wrote about overcoming obstacles through faith and letting your life become a lifeline for others.
Who do you look up to?
I look up to people of faith, who have stepped out and done something extraordinary for God, from Christian media pioneers to Evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Angus Buchan who are passionate about soul-winning. I’ve met and interviewed many Christian leaders over the past 25 years in my career as a journalist, who have been inspirational in different ways, especially TD Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Brian Houston, John Bevere and Darlene Zschech. I also look up to Ray McCauley who was my pastor for many years and who I edited a book for. My late father Ian Gibson continues to inspire me as I try to emulate his example of a godly man. I inherited my love of writing from my late mother Elsie Gibson and I thank God for the way she has spurred me on.
What Scripture is playing a big role in your life right now?
It has to be Mark 16:15-18 – ‘the Great Commission’ as this is what living for Jesus is all about. “And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved… And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover’.”
This is the instruction of our Lord Jesus. We need to act boldly in His name and nothing can stand in our way as we are protected by our Lord. Miraculous healings follow us. What you or I can do individually is limited, but as the GOD TV family can make a global difference. Together we can see revival come upon the face of the earth.
Would you be willing to share your funniest or most embarrassing moment while working for GOD TV?
Once when I was working late to get the GOD TV guide out on time, I was the only person left in the building and somehow I managed to set off the alarm. This resulted in a number of policemen descending on Angel House which was quite embarrassing, especially since the building manager has joked about it mercilessly ever since. Then late one night while working in the Washington, D.C. studio doing the scrolls for Missions Week, I locked myself out of the office. The funny thing was it had been a very hot, humid evening and I had taken my shoes and socks off and left my wallet on my desk. There was no way back in and I had to catch a taxi barefoot outside one of the Capital’s elite hotels. Fortunately I was able to get some dollars back in my hotel room to pay the driver on arrival! Blessed are the (bare) feet of them that bring Good News!
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