Popular Christian leader and conference speaker, John Bevere and his wife Lisa, have been in ministry together since 1990 and today lead Messenger International, a multi-faceted international outreach that includes a weekly programme on GOD TV. Both John & Lisa are best-selling authors and live in Colorado with their four sons. Al Gibson chatted to him in Washington D.C.
AG: Your TV programme, The Messenger is popular on GOD TV. Why did you call it by this name?
John Bevere: Well, it was said of John Baptist – “Behold I send My Messenger before My face and he shall prepare the way before Me”. He was sent before the Lord’s First Coming and the scriptures clearly show that the same anointing is going to be on the Church for His Second Coming – but it is not going to be only one man – it is going to be sons and daughters prophesying, young men seeing visions and old men dreaming dreams!
As Acts 2:17-18 says: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days.” So Lisa and I believe our call is to prepare the way of the Lord and that has been the thrust of our ministry ever since its inception in 1990.
John Bevere’s latest book is entitled, ‘Relentless – The Power You Need to Never Give Up‘. This inspirational book offers a ‘bullet proof vest’ for Christian leaders, arming them against anything life may throw at them. I heard about it watching The Messenger on GOD TV and bought a copy on Amazon. I usually buy on Kindle, but I got a physical copy as I knew this was one book that I needed to pass on. In the meantime it is on my bedside table and I read a chapter per night. Powerfully faith-building. – Al Gibson.
AG: Is it quite challenging being a husband and wife team in ministry?
JB: It is actually quite delightful because the ministry is our life and it is all we talk about how we are reaching people and what God has called us to do. We are very much one and we work together. It has its challenges of course – at times we may have conflicting ideas but we have learnt the art of conflict resolution. Yes, we have had some times of ‘intensive fellowship’ but it is out of our passion, and we are both very much in love with each other, and never attack each other, but rather work out the situation. However, when it comes down to it Lisa knows the final decision is left up to me, that is the way she sees it.
AG: So what would you say is the recipe for a successful marriage?
JB: In our case, I think we have a happy marriage because we spend time together. Lisa and I love each other and support each other and we love our kids and spend time with them. The real glue of our marriage is the love that God has put in our hearts for each other. And, when I am home, I am really home. I may be on the road ministering an average 15 days a month but the other 15 days I try not to be at the office past the school hours.
AG: Do you have particular message for Great Britain?
JB: God’s Word applies everywhere and transcends all cultures, but what I would say to Britain is: GET THE FIRE OF GOD BACK! Find your passion and run with it. Get the passion to get the Gospel out to the nations, the passion to reach souls and the passion to reach the youth, which I believe is starting to happen in Britain. If we reach the youth, we are going to be fresh, if we do not, we will grow stale because one of the signs of a healthy church is having young people on fire, not just young people attending church, but laying their lives down for the Lord.
The author of such books as ‘Relentless’, ‘The Bait of Satan’, ‘The Fear of the Lord’, and ‘Under Cover’, John uncovers practical Biblical truths that will help you apply God’s Word to your life. He also offers hope to all those who feel intimidated or depressed, to overcome these bondages of the enemy.
An anointed preacher who has been used mightily by God to transform countless lives by stirring up the gifts of believers, John believes Christians often limit the Lord’s ability to bring them to a place of victory due to their incorrect perception of God. That we are capable of achieving so much more than we ever dared imagine, if we would only take the limits off our awesome Father.
Visit Messenger International the website of John and Lisa Bevere.