Bishop TD Jakes

Bishop TD Jakes, Champion against Injustice, Calls us to Stand Shoulder to Shoulder

In these unsettled times, as the world faces pandemic and the waves of protest against systemic racism, I am encouraged by the powerful voice of Bishop TD Jakes and his ability to bring people together.

He is a man who transcends race and is a champion of injustice. Bishop Jakes clearly sees God’s extraordinary potential in all people and has devoted his life to helping individuals discover the hidden treasure within them so they can find a way of developing their giftings wherever they live or whoever they are.

Bishop Jakes is a great empowerer of women, through his Women Thou Art Loosed conferences and books. That doesn’t mean men are left out, he has also hosted many ManPower encounters as well as MegaFest events for everyone. He is known as a creative mastermind and something of an elder statesman.

I had the opportunity to interview Bishop Jakes in Johannesburg some years ago when he visited South Africa and to hear a message he delivered to a nation coming out of apartheid that was life-changing. The message was powerful then and it remains every bit as powerful today.

TD Jakes

Standing Shoulder to Shoulder

I asked Bishop Jakes how he felt about visiting South Africa, was it like coming back to his roots? It seems to me that just as Joseph was sold into slavery so he could later save his brothers from famine, so the African American people, who suffered the terrible injustices of slavery are being raised up today to bring freedom and emancipation to Africa. The Bishop agrees, he has come to bring a far-reaching message to the people of Africa of standing together, no matter what separates them.

Many Christian leaders have visited “the Rainbow nation” to build up, motivate and uplift the African people and no one more eloquently than ‘The Bishop’. He has a way of transcending barriers and bringing people of different backgrounds together. His vision for unity amongst believers is a timeless message that we need to be reminded of constantly. “It’s time to stand shoulder to shoulder!

Judging from the shouts of affirmation, boisterous dancing and general exuberance of the crowds, Bishop TD Jakes made a huge impact on South Africa. But perhaps the most profound image of hope this fiery Texan preacher left behind was a picture of two people of different races standing together in unity. One cannot forget how he called up a white pastor onto the stage to illustrate his point of how God is restoring equilibrium in the Church, how we are being raised up together, black and white, man and woman, to stand shoulder to shoulder.

Bishop Jakes believes God is restoring divine order to the Church, so that “every high place will be brought low and every low place will be raised up”, he says quoting the book of Isaiah, “until there is equilibrium”. This was his powerful message as his unique style of preaching shook congregations in South Africa. Speaking to capacity crowds in Johannesburg, he declared he had not come to preach his best three sermons, but to “deliver a divine package from God.” His messages were a major challenge for the whole Church to come together through real integration and provide a template for the world to follow. And, he assured, the result would bring revival we never dreamed possible.

You can read more at: Racial Unity – TD Jakes Urges Us to Stand Together Shoulder to Shoulder

About TD Jakes

They say that everything is bigger and better in Dallas. Well, preachers sure do not come any greater in stature than TD Jakes, the founder of the Potter’s House megachurch in Dallas, Texas. A giant of a man with incredible stage presence and a booming voice sometimes punctuated by bursts of organ music. Yet whose whispers penetrate deep into your heart as you listen to nuggets of truth coming one after the other. Each time he opens his mouth you hear something profound that you need to let sink in.

A best-selling author, renowned conference speaker and internationally televised pastor – yet when you meet him, you will find a humble servant who has overcome much personal pain to rise above his circumstances and bring hope and healing to others. Some­one who says that his job security is intact since he ministers primarily to hurting, broken people. Despite having to overcome a speech impediment TD Jakes answers questions in eloquent sound bites. Pearls of wisdom seem to roll effortlessly off his tongue.

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About Al GIbson

Communications professional, Al Gibson works in Christian media, writes inspirational biographies and is an active online contributor.


  1. […] South Africa which had a long history of apartheid. His message entitled ‘One New Man‘, delivered in Johannesburg some years ago is evergreen with truths that will not only help foster racial unity but empower people of all […]

  2. […] a Minneapolis police officer, global spiritual leader and elder statesman Bishop TD Jakes is calling for a national conversation on policing and race to be immediately followed by an action […]

  3. […] Also read: Bishop TD Jakes, Champion of Injustice, Calls us to Stand Shoulder to Shoulder […]

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